Saturday, June 5, 2021


Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Parental Involvement of Immigrant and Refugee Populations in Head Start



Dissertation Manuscript


Submitted to Northcentral University

School of Education


in Partial Fulfillment of the


Requirements for the Degree of









San Diego, California


March 2019





Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Parental Involvement of Immigrant and Refugee Populations in Head Start


Anthony Tran


Approved by:


________________________________________                _____________

Chair: Leslie Curda, Ph.D.                                                                 Date


Member:                                             Ph.D.


Member:                                             Ph.D.


Certified by:


______________________________________                    ________________

School Dean:              Ph.D.                                                               Date





The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study was to assess the key variables of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as possible determinants of parental intentions for school involvement behavior specially for immigrant and refugee parents with children enrolled in Early Head Start and Head Start programs, and ascertain whether they are significantly correlated to and can predict reported intentions of parent involvement in their children’s school. Little is known about the theory of planned behavior’s ability to explain variance in the intentions of parental involvement toward children’s education. The variables in the TPB that contribute to parental intentions have not been thoroughly examined in the context of the target population. A sample of 122 parents completed a written questionnaire in four languages. The reported attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, behavioral control perceptions or intentions were significantly correlated with one another and contributed to the prediction of parental involvement by immigrant/refugee parents. The null hypothesis was rejected. The findings are particularly encouraging in that parents reported moderately high parental intentions, which will likely have a positive effect on their children’s education. Additionally, there is room for teachers and center directors to implement strategies that may lead parents to increase their level of involvement in a program. Future research should focus on: (1) further examination of demographic characteristics, (2) expanding the diversity and size of the sample for additional generalizability, (3) comparing immigrant and non-immigrant families regarding parents’ educational involvement practices in Head Start programs, and (4) improved measurements given the Parent Involvement Project (PIP) and its data collection protocol were not designed specifically with the TPB based model.



I would like to acknowledge the members of my committee. I express the deepest gratitude to Dr. Leslie Curda, my dissertation chair for guiding, motivating, and being very patient throughout this dissertation process and my appreciation to the Subject Matter Expert, Dr. Cary Gillenwater; the academic reader, Dr. Joanna Vance; and the advisor, Ms. Beth Lynch for their commitment to my success.

I also thank to Ms. Yolanda Perez, the Head Start Executive Director, and Dr. Patsy Brown, the Director of Early Childhood Education and Program Operations in Head Start programs, and the 12 Early Head Start and Head Start’s center directors who helped me do research by supporting in collecting the data for this study was invaluable. To Ms. Hortensia Murillo, Ms. Betty Smith, Ms. Valerie York, Ms. Melissa Miller, Ms. Leslie Stopani, Ms. Danielle Angeletta, Ms. Adonica Goettsch, Ms. Sherlyn Banas, Ms. Danielle Angeletta, Ms. Clarise Fernandez, Ms. Gloria Sanchez, Ms. Deborah Durham, and Ms. Tina Cruz. I express my gratitude to them for all their support and commitment to this project.

Finally, to my niece, Thao Pham, for continuous support and patience over the years and for being my profreader. I truly appreciated her help from the first day to the end of the study. She has been a great supporter.






Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction.................................................................................................. 1

Statement of the Problem......................................................................................... 3

Purpose of the Study................................................................................................ 4

Research Questions.................................................................................................. 6

Hypotheses............................................................................................................... 7

Theoretical Framework Overview........................................................................... 7

Nature of the Study ............................................................................................... 11

Significance of the Study ...................................................................................... 14

Definition of Key Terms........................................................................................ 16

Summary................................................................................................................ 18

Chapter 2: Review of the Literature............................................................................. 20

The Theory of Planned Behavior........................................................................... 21

Parent Involvement and Family Engagement........................................................ 29

Immigrant and Refugee Family Demographic Characteristics ............................. 34

The Importance of Parental Involvement.............................................................. 46

Barriers to Parental Involvement .......................................................................... 55

Facilitators of Parental Involvement...................................................................... 62

Summary................................................................................................................ 64

Chapter 3: Research Method........................................................................................ 66

Research Design..................................................................................................... 69

Population Sample................................................................................................. 71

Materials/Instrumentation...................................................................................... 72

Operational Definitions of Variables..................................................................... 78

Study Procedures................................................................................................... 79

Data Collection and Analysis................................................................................. 81

Assumptions........................................................................................................... 85

Limitations............................................................................................................. 85

Delimitations.......................................................................................................... 86

Ethical Assurances................................................................................................. 87

Summary................................................................................................................ 88


Chapter 4: Findings...................................................................................................... 90


Reliability and Validity of the Data....................................................................... 91

Results.................................................................................................................. 103

Evaluation of Findings. 108

Summary.............................................................................................................. 110


Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations, and Conclusions. 112


Implications.......................................................................................................... 115

Recommendations for Application...................................................................... 120

Recommendations for Future Research............................................................... 123

Conclusions.......................................................................................................... 125

References.................................................................................................................. 127

Appendices................................................................................................................. 137

Appendix A. Parent Survey (English)....................................................................... 138

          Parent Survey (Arabic) …...……………………………………………………145

            Parent Survey (Spanish)……………………………………………………......152

            Parent Survey (Vietnamese)……………………………………………………159

Appendix B. Informed Consent Form (English)……………………………………….169

          Informed Consent Form (Arabic)………………………………………………173

            Informed Consent Form (Spanish)……………………………………………..176

            Informed Consent Form (Vietnamese)…………………………………………180

Appendix C. Parent Demographic Data .................................................................... 184

Appendix D. Cover Letter (English)……………………………………………………185

          Cover Letter (Arabic)…………………………………………………………...187

            Cover Letter (Spanish)………………………………………………………….188

            Cover Letter (Vietnamese)……………………………………………………...191

Appendix E. Head Start Executive Director/Center Directors' Consent Letters....... 193

Appendix F. Pre-Notice of Parent Survey (English)................................................. 196

          Pre-Notice of Parent Survey (Arabic)…………………………………………..198

            Pre-Notice of Parent Survey (Spanish)…………………………………………199

            Pre-Notice of Parent Survey (Vietnamese)……………………………………..201


Appendix G. Recruitment Letters (English)……..……………………………………..203

            Recruitment Letter (Arabic)…………………………………………………….205

            Recruitment Letter (Spanish)……………...……………………………………206

            Recruitment Letter (Vietnamese)………………...……………………………..208

Appendix H. Permission of Using the Parent Involvement Project (PIP) Letter...... 210

Appendix I. The Evidence of Permission was Granted to Use the Instrument......... 211

Appendix J. Table Head Start and Early Head Start Enrollment, 2015..................... 212

Appendix K. Table Descriptive Statistics for Study Variables................................. 213

Appendix L. Q-Q Plots.............................................................................................. 223

List of Tables


Table 1 PIP Subscale Reliabilities…................................................................................92

Table 2 The Shapiro-Wilk Test of Normality....................................................................93

Table 3 Descriptive Statistics............................................................................................93

Table 4 Model Summary....................................................................................................97

Table 5 Checking for Multicollinearity...........................................................................103

Table 6 Demographic Characteristics............................................................................104

Table 7 Descriptive Statistics of Predictors and Dependent Variables..........................106

Table 8 Correlation Coefficients.....................................................................................107

Table 9 Results of the Multiple Regression.....................................................................109

















List of Figures


Figure 1. Parental Intentions: Normality of Residual......................................................95

Figure 2. Parental Intentions: PP Plot of Residuals........................................................95

Figure 3. Boxplots of AB, SN, PBC, and PI......................................................................96

Figure 4. Scatterplot for Combinations of Variable Models............................................98

Figure 5. Partial Regression AB Model............................................................................99

Figure 6. Partial Regression SN Model...........................................................................100

Figure 7. Partial Regression PBC Model........................................................................101

Figure 8. Testing for Homoscedasticity...........................................................................102




















Chapter 1: Introduction

The Head Start and Early Head Start programs were designed for students to become ready upon enrolling in school (DeLoatche, Bradley-Klug, Ogg, Kromrey, & Sundman-Wheat, 2015; Dove, Neuharth-Pritchett, Wright, & Wallinga, 2015). However, while these programs showed generally positive results (DeLoatche et al., 2015), without parental involvement, these students were less ready to enter schooling at their elementary school age (Dove et al., 2015; Manz et al., 2014). Parental involvement is an important factor in helping to create successful early childhood education experiences (Garbacz et al., 2016; McCormick, Cappella, O'Connor, & McClowry, 2013; Smith, 2014). If parents are involved in their children’s preschool, then it bodes well for future involvement, academic success, and other positive outcomes for their children (Demircan & Erden, 2015). Nevertheless, immigrant and refugee families are of a particular concern in Head Start and Early Head Start programs because getting these parents involved is a challenge for many reasons (Cheatham & Ostrosky, 2013; Demircan & Erden, 2015). Barriers to parental involvement included parents’ pre-concieved beliefs about involvement, their current life circumstances, and their cultural beliefs (Manz, Gernhart, Bracaliello, Pressimone, & Eisenberg, 2014). Researchers have found a significant positive impact of parental involvement for toddlers at the beginning of early schooling (McCormick, Cappella, O’Connor, & McClowry, 2013). However, identifying ways to increase parental involvement with immigrant and refugee families has been difficult (DeLoatche et al., 2015; Porumbu & Necsoi, 2013; Pratt, Lipscomb, & Schmitt, 2015).

Attitudes and beliefs about the roles of parental involvement in education for immigrant or refugee parents might include that education is a teacher's responsibilities or that parents do not make a positive difference in their children's education (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Cheatham & Ostrosky, 2013). Parental involvement in overall education relates to the beliefs of parents and whether they should or should not be involved in their children's education (Bracke & Corts, 2012). This knowledge serves as a role construction and is often shaped by a parent's personal experiences with schooling and personal perceptions (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Manz et al., 2014). If parents believe good parenting means that they should take an active role in their children's education, there is a greater likelihood they will play a decisive role in their children's education (Bracke & Corts, 2012). In the context of subjective norms about the roles of parents in education, parents may not be involved because they lack the examples of involvement or they come from a culture in which parents were never expected to be involved (Bracke & Corts, 2012). These norms are a product of whether an individual believes other meaningful people approve or disapprove of a behavior and their motivation to comply with those people (Perry & Langley, 2013). Parental intentions are a direct function of the attitude about the behavior and represent an indication of a parent’s readiness to perform a given behavior, such as how the responding parents plans on being involved during the school year (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Kiriakidis, 2015). Finally, parents’ perceptions of their personal level of control over their choices for involvement and the barriers to participation that they encounter contribute to their level of participation within the school (Ajzen, 1991). For example, low-income parents may have restrictive jobs that limit their availability, thereby giving an obstacle to their involvement (Bracke & Corts, 2012). Considered holistically, researchers have suggested that parents or caregivers of immigrant or refugee children would need to be involved in their children’s education to promote success; however, few studies exist specifically assessing and addressing immigrant and refugee populations who are at risk of low parental involvement with regard to education of toddlers and preschoolers (Manz et al., 2014).

Parental involvement in schooling activities for toddlers and preschoolers is important to a child’s outcomes (e.g., higher levels of proactive learning behaviors, greater receptive vocabulary, and lower levels of conduct problems) (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Hindman et al., 2012; Manz et al., 2014). Particularly, parents who are immigrants or refugees, for example someone who was foreign born (first-generation immigrant) (Krogstad, 2015; Winsler et al., 2014), often have low involvement in their children’s education, possibly due to their attitudes and beliefs (Demircan & Erden, 2015; Manz et al., 2014; Poureslami et al., 2013). Use of a relevant theory may guide the design of an intervention to improve parental participation for a particular population (Lin, 2012). The theory of planned behavior (TPB) might be useful to examine parental behaviors, but this theory has been applied in a limited way to early childhood education settings (McGregor & Knoll, 2015). There was a need for research concerning parental involvement with the Early Head Start and Head Start programs, particularly within the immigrant and refugee communities (Hindman et al., 2012; Manz et al., 2014).

Statement of the Problem

The problem to be addressed in this study was the limitation of immigrant and refugee parent involvement in Head Start and Early Head Start to support their child’s education (Hindman et al., 2012; Manz et al., 2014). Specifically, this study addressed a lack of knowledge regarding what variables were related to high and/or low parent involvement and identification of those that might serve as barriers to or promoters of parent involvement in this population. The lack of knowledge mostly surrounded which, if any, variables were related to parents’ beliefs about whether they “should” or “should not” be involved in their children’s education were specifically among immigrant and refugee parents who might or might not engage in parent involvement activities differently than other parents given their different personal experiences and perceptions about schooling (Brace & Corte, 2012). Some of the barriers for immigrant and refugee families might be related to their pre-conceived beliefs about education (Cheatham & Ostrosky, 2013) as well as differences due to language and culture (Cheatham & Ostrosky, 2013). The variables as defined within the theory of planned behavior (TPB), that contribute to parental intentions are attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991; Bracke & Corts, 2012; Perry & Langley, 2013), and these have not been thoroughly examined within this parent population. Such knowledge could hopefully be applied to help program educators devise interventions for parents (McGregor & Knoll, 2015) to improve their intention for involvement in schooling. Without a further understanding of how these variables are related to and predict parental intentions for involvement, strategies employed by these programs to increase the parental involvement of immigrant and refugee families might be less effective and the families might not take full advantage of these programs (Lee & Zhou, 2014).

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this quantitative descriptive, and correlational study was to assess key variables posed in TPB as possible determinants of parental intentions for school involvement behavior (i.e., parental attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) and ascertain whether they were significantly related to and could predict the reported intentions of involvement of immigrant and refugee parents in their children’s early childhood education programs. By assessing these constructs that are pivotal to TPB, a test of this theory within the context of immigrant and refugee families with children enrolled in Head Start or Early Head Start can be accomplished. Using a survey instrument to collect data, the goals were to (1) identify parental attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, parental intention, and perceived behavioral control regarding parent involvement, and (2) investigate how, if at all, these variables are correlated with and served to predict parent involvement, as TPB would suggest, in this population. The dependent variable was the level of intention for parental involvement, and the predictors were the determinants of behaviors as outlined in TPB (i.e., parent attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) and reported by immigrant and refugee families with children enrolled in Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

The population under study targeted the approximately 800-1000 parents/caregivers who were foreign born, i.e., first-generation immigrants or refugees (Krogstad, 2015; Winsler et al., 2014), living in a region of Southern California, and whose children were enrolled in either an Early Head Start or Head Start program. A census of this population was conducted with the goal of obtaining a sample of 122 parents/caregivers whose children participated in these programs. A power analysis using G-Power software yielded an estimated sample size of 110 for a linear regression with three predictors (power of 0.8, type one error of 0.05, and medium size effect) (Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, & Lang, 2009). Parents were asked to complete the Parental Involvement Project (PIP) Parent Questionnaire (Appendix A), a 57-item survey that has been found to be reliable and valid for measuring attitudes and beliefs (24 items), subjective norms (6 items), perceived behavioral control (17 items), and parental intentions (10 items) for parent involvement. All items were used a six-point Likert scales. Data collection provided an opportunity to assess how these variables presented in immigrant and refugee families and examine their ability to predict parent intentions towards involvement. Step-wise multiple regression was used to assess the significance of the contributions of each predictor to explain the variation in the dependent variable (Field, 2013).

Research Questions

Q1. What are the attitudes and beliefs of immigrant/refugee parents regarding parent involvement in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start as determined by Parental Involvement Project (PIP) Parent Questionnaire?

Q2. What are the subjective norms of immigrant/refugee parents regarding parental involvement in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start as determined by Parental Involvement Project (PIP) Parent Questionnaire?

Q3. What are the perceived behavioral control perceptions of immigrant/refugee parents regarding parent involvement in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start programs as determined by Parental Involvement Project (PIP) Parent Questionnaire?

Q4. What are the parental intentions of immigrant/refugee parents regarding parent involvement in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start programs as determined by Parental Involvement Project (PIP) Parent Questionnaire?

Q5. What is the relationship of measures of attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control, and how well, if at all, do they predict parental intentions to parental involvement by parents in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start programs?


H50. The attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, intentions, behavioral control perceptions, and perceived control of immigrant and refugee parents are not significantly related to (p > .05) or can not predict parents’ level of involvement in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

H5a. One or more of attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, intentions, behavioral control perceptions, or perceived behavior control perceptions are significantly correlated to (p < .05) and significantly contribute to the prediction of parental involvement by immigrant/refugee parents in AKA Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

Theoretical Framework Overview

Ajzen's theory of planned behavior (TPB) (1991) was the framework employed to explain and predict intentional behavior based on personal beliefs about outcomes of behaviors. His theory was developed in the late 1980s as an extension of the theory of reasoned action. Ajzen described the dynamic and complex nature of parental engagement in a child’s life and education (Bracke & Corts, 2012). The TPB offered a viable theoretical lens for examining parental involvement and identifying the determinants among the immigrant and refugee parent population. To understand planned behavior and parental involvement, social attitudes and personality traits were included in an attempt to predict and explain human behavior (Ajzen, 1991). The TPB focused on the motivations of an individual to engage in a particular behavior, and the theory had the potential to be a useful framework for conducting research into parental involvement (Perry & Langley, 2013).

The central tenet of the theory is the intention to perform a particular behavior as defined by three independent determinants of intentions: attitude and belief toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991). First, attitude referred to an individual’s values for the outcomes of behavior as associated with his or her beliefs related to the behavior and his or her evaluation of performing a behavior. Second, subjective norms were an individual’s perceptions of social pressures that existed for performing the behavior. This concept was comprised of beliefs about social expectations and the need to adhere to those expectations. Third, perceived behavioral control was related to an individual’s perception of how difficult the task would be to perform (Ajzen, 1991). Furthermore, the theory was based on beliefs about factors that were for or against performing the behavior and the perceived power of those factors. In general, the intention of performing a behavior was strong when the performance of a particular behavior elicited a favorable attitude from the individual, was positively associated with subjective norms, and it was easy to perform with few obstacles (Ajzen, 1991). If the surrounding social environment was conducive to the behavior, and the individual was confident in their ability to perform the behavior then the person's intention was stronger to engage in the behavior, and thus, it was more likely he or she would (Ajzen, 1991).

Ajzen stressed that interventions designed to change behavior could be directed at one or more of its determinants (attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, or perceptions of behavioral control). Changes in one of these determinants should produce changes in behavioral intentions and, given adequate control over the behavior, intentions should be carried out under appropriate circumstances (Ajzen, 1991). Subsequent parental involvement might succeed in producing corresponding changes in attitudes, subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control because intentions were directed by behavioral, normative, and control beliefs (Kiriakidis, 2015). However, the behavioral intention might vary towards different behaviors and within different populations. For example, intention to perform one behavior might be primarily determined by the attitude toward the behavior, while another behavioral intention might be determined largely by normative influence. Similarly, intention to perform a particular behavior might be primarily under the attitudinal influence in one population, while more influenced by normative influence in another population (Montano & Kasprzyk, 2015). Thus, to design effective interventions to influence behavioral intentions, it is important first to determine the degree to which intention is influenced by attitudes and beliefs, perceived norms, and perceived behavioral controls (Montano & Kasprzyk, 2015). Parent interventions would be ineffective unless individuals were in fact capable of carrying out their newly formed intentions (Girardelli & Patel, 2016). Ajzen (1991) also noted that there should be an active link from intentions to behavior to facilitate the success of an intervention (Ajzen, 1991). One of the most efficient ways to intervene to help develop intentions is to induce individuals to form a plan with specific details of when, where, and how the desired behavior would be performed (Lin, 2012).

Girardelli and Patel (2016) provided the importance of behavioral intentions in the function of the three constructs of attitudes toward the target behavior, perceived norms, and perceived behavioral control/self-efficacy. Attitudes toward the target behavior were defined as a latent disposition or tendency to respond with some degree of favorableness or unfavorableness to a psychological object. Perceived norms referred to what was considered an acceptable or permissible behavior in a group or society. Perceived norms captured the total social pressure that the environment exerts on an individual to perform, or not perform a given behavior. Perceived behavioral control is defined as the extent to which people believed they are capable of performing a given behavior, that they have control over its performance.

Conducting research on parental involvement, using Ajzen’s theory, in immigrant and refugee families might be useful (Perry, 2013) because through this perspective, benefits for the child, family, and school could be encouraged (Bulotsky-Shearer et al., 2012). However, to apply the TPB based model to immigrant and refugee families such as African, Asian, or Hispanic/Latino, researchers need a better understanding of the issues in practice for these populations (Paat, 2013), since they might have several specific factors that impede family involvement such as a lack of knowledgeable resources and language, cultural, and physical barriers (Garbacz et al., 2016). From these points of view, the gaps often happen between this theory and its practices (Dobson & Beshai, 2013) because there are a number of issues, controversies, and assumptions involving the translation of theory into practice (Udo-Akang, 2012). However, the gap between theory and practice was framed as a knowledge transfer problem, and researcher’s continuous refinement and development based on learning from the application of theory into the field were never completed (Udo-Akang, 2012). Thus, it was important to choose theory-testing rather than theory-building because the theory was needed in explaining and predicting parental involvement with the TPB in distinct populations (Udo-Akang, 2012). It was critical to investigate and understand the behavior from the perspective of the study population because some individuals in certain demographic groups might hold beliefs about positive outcomes of the behavior and thus hold more positive attitudes and stronger intention to carry out the behavior. In addition, they might be more likely than others to engage in the behavior (Montano & Kasprzyk, 2015).

Researchers have examined parental involvement through the application of other theories to include identifying theory, parental investment theory, socio-ecological theory, role theory and social exchange theory; however, the theories have been limited in explaining and predicting parental involvement in early childhood education (Perry & Langley, 2013). According to Perry and Langley (2013), such theories assumed that active involvement of parents only relied on the parents' will and desired to be involved in their children's education. As an alternative theory was more helpful to explain and predict parental involvement, Perry and Langley (2013) suggested using Ajzen's TPB model and stressed that this model was “versatile enough to account for the dynamic and complex nature of parental engagement” (p. 181). What remained unknown was whether the TPB model would hold for parental engagement in schools with parents of particular cultures and status, such as those with immigrant and refugee status.

Nature of the Study

In the current study, Ajzen’s version of TPB (1991) was used as a basis of a model to examine how intentional behaviors of parents and personal beliefs about outcomes of their behaviors might impact their perceived levels of participation in their child’s school. The model constructed for this study included the TPB constructs of attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and parental intentions for involvement (Bracke & Corts, 2012). The descriptive and correlational design allowed for assessing the key variables posed in the TPB model as determinants of behavior (i.e., parental attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control) and then analysis of whether they were significantly related to and could predict the intentions of immigrant and refugee parents to be involved in their children’s early childhood education programs. The dependent variable were the parent’s reported intentions for involvement, and the predictors would be the determinants of behaviors as outlined in TPB, which were parental attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Bracke & Corts, 2012).

The correlational design used in this study was appropriate for testing whether TPB constructs fit a model for an observed set of relationships among the constructs in the model (Girardelli & Patel, 2016). Survey methods were used to measure the four constructs of TPB with the three predictor variables and the single dependent variable of parent intention (Bracke & Corts, 2012). The survey method allowed objectivity and minimized bias (Smith, 2015). The quantitative design-controlled biases so that facts, instances, and phenomena could be understood in an objective way (Park & Park, 2016). Moreover, a quantitative design focuses on “the accumulation of facts and causes of behavior through isolation, measurement, and evaluation of variables, focusing on predictability and control over time” (Park & Park, 2016, p. 4). This design best aligned with the purpose and goals of the study.

In this study, the quantitative methodology utilized a non-experimental design, so manipulating variables were not a part of this process (Smith, 2015). Given the aim was to answer questions related to how much of a phenomenon existed, qualitative methods were not appropriate to use (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2014). Based on the purpose of this study, a quantitative design was the most appropriate method, since it would provide for numerical data to be analyzed to determine relationships between the multiple predictor variables posed in the TPB (Park & Park, 2016). A regression model was used to investigate whether the TPB determinants of behavior were significantly related to and could predict the involvement of immigrant/refugee parents in their children’s early childhood education programs, specifically Early Head Start and Head Start programs.

According to the All Kids Academy Head Start and Early Head Start’s (AKA-HS/EHS) reports from 2014-2015, there were 1,381 children, including Hispanic or Latino (803) and Non-Hispanic (578) who attended twelve Head Start centers in Southern California. Based on this statistic, a target of approximately 800-1000 parents/caregivers, who were identified as immigrant or refugee living in this area, and whose children were enrolled in either an Early Head Start or Head Start program, were solicited to participate in the survey with the hope of obtaining the sample size required of 122 completed surveys.

The Parent Involvement Project (PIP) survey was the instrument used for data collection. The questionnaire contained 57 items developed by Hoover-Dempsey, Walker, Jones, and Reed (2002). All items were measured on a six-point Likert scale for attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and parental intentions. The Likert scale ranged from strongly disagree to strongly agree, with the additional option of I Don’t Know. For example, parents were asked to rate each statement based on how much they disagree or agree. The options were 1 indicating Strongly Disagree, 2 indicating Disagree, 3 indicating Don’t Know, 4 indicating Agree Just a Little, 5 indicating Agree, and 6 indicating Strongly Agree.

After receiving approval from Northcentral University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the AKA Head Start administrative office, parents were solicited at each of the centers. During the drop off time at each of 12 centers, the researcher briefly explained the purpose of the study to the parents/caregivers and asked them to voluntarily participate if they were interested in cooperating with the research (Appendix B) (Fowler, 2009). The consent form informed them of the voluntary nature of participation, the level of involvement, the absence of deception, and that their participation would remain anonymous. When consent was granted, volunteers were asked to complete a brief demographic information questionnaire regarding their immigrant/refugee status (Appendix C). Eligible participants received a PIP survey package (Appendix A) with a cover letter (Appendix D). The cover letter to parents detailed the purpose of the study. All papers were translated into their home language (i.e., Arabic, Spanish or Vietnamese) to ensure parents/caregivers understand explanations clearly. Self-addressed and stamped envelopes were enclosed for returning the survey. A reminder postcard was sent two weeks later to encourage participation for those who might not have completed a returned survey (Blaxter, Hughes, & Tight, 2014). Those who completed the survey received a gift card of ten dollars.

Significance of the Study

Parental involvement has been recognized as a variable of significant impact on early childhood education (McCormick, Cappella, O’Connor, & McClowry, 2013). It has been found to increase the academic functioning of young children, especially for immigrant children who grow up with at least one foreign-born parent and speak a home language other than English (Demircan & Erden, 2015; Winsler et al., 2014). Therefore, it was important to study the involvement of immigrant and refugee parents in preschool because their historical, socio-demographic characteristics and academic concerns are possibly different with regards to parental attitudes and beliefs, perceived control, subjective norms, and subsequent behavioral intentions (Hindman et al., 2012). A lack of parental involvement was a factor in at-risk children’s academic achievement (Demircan & Erden, 2015; Hindman et al., 2012). Parent/caregiver involvement has improved children’s success (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Demircan & Erden, 2015; Porumbu & Necşoi, 2013). Little is known about how the theory of planned behavior might explain parent involvement of immigrant and refugee children at Early Head Start and Head Start programs (Ntuli, Nyarambi, & Traore, 2014). This quantitative study contributed to understanding parents’ perceptions of their involvement in Head Start programs and factors that might contribute to their involvement. The research was important because it builds greater understanding of how or if parental involvement and engagement practices for immigrant/refugee parents or caregivers could be effective. The findings could be used to encourage school and childcare center directors and teachers to expand their repertoire of strategies to involve parents from diverse language, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. Identifying the determinants of parent involvement, or lack thereof, in immigrant and refugee populations that could subsequently be used to develop interventions was an important goal of the study (Hindman et al., 2012). Implications for improving current parent involvement policies and practices for engaging immigrants and refugees were developed from the findings and could be useful in overcoming the barriers to involvement if the schools wish to improve their programs. Subsequently, these parents might be able to better support their children and the school (Bulotsky-Shearer et al., 2012; Smith, 2014).

The testing of Ajzen’s TPB with regard to parent involvement in early childhood programs has never been tested relative to immigrant and refugee parents/caregivers in the context of Head Start and Early Head Start programs; therefore, more information concerning parents’ attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and subsequent behavioral intentions can contribute to improving the effectiveness of the program. By using Ajzen’s TPB model (1991), the results from this study contributed to the knowledge of potential outcomes of parental involvement, such as the following: affirmation of parents’ and caregivers’ positive attitudes about school participation, clarification of the dissonance between parents’ professed attitudes, beliefs, values, and intentions and in their actual behaviors, and rationale for a norm-based initiative that might increase parental involvement (Bracke & Corts, 2012).

Definition of Key Terms

            Attitude toward behavior. An attitude toward a behavior is an individual’s positive or negative evaluation of self-performance of the particular behavior. The concept is the degree to which performance of behavior is a positive or negative value. It is determined by the total set of accessible behavioral beliefs linking behavior to various outcomes and other attributes (Ajzen, 1991).

Behavioral belief. Behavioral belief is an individual’s belief about consequences of a particular behavior. The belief is based on the subjective probability that the behavior will produce a given outcome (Ajzen, 1991).

Behavior intention. Behavior intention is an indication of an individual’s readiness to perform a given behavior and is assumed to be an immediate antecedent of behavior (Ajzen, 1991).

Head Start. Head Start (1964) provides comprehensive services for children between ages 3 and 5 and their families. It supports the school readiness of dual-language learners with culturally sensitive family engagement practices. It also builds relationships with families to support positive parent-child relationships, family well-being, and connections to peers and community. The Head Start program is federally funded for low-income children under the age of mandatory school attendance (Head Start, 1964).

Early Head Start. The Early Head Start program (1964) was established to assist and promote the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of infants and toddlers up to age 3.

Immigrants. Immigrants are people who moved into the United States in order to find a settlement and become citizens (Poureslami et al., 2013).

Intention. The intention is the perceived likelihood of performing a behavior. It is a direct function of the attitude about the behavior and subjective norm associated with the behavior (Ajzen, 1991).

Perceived behavioral control. Perceived behavioral control is an individual’s perceived ease or difficulty of performing the particular behavior. Perceived behavioral control is determined by the total set of accessible control beliefs (Ajzen, 1991).

Refugee. A refugee is defined as a person who flees from persecution, invasion, or political danger in their home country and is unable to return (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2007).

Southwest Asian groups. Southwest Asia is sometimes described as the Near East or the Middle East. The people of its area are Greek Cypriots, Turks, Jews, Arabs, Kurds, Iranian, Iraqi, and Afghani (Poureslami et al., 2013).

Subjective norm. Subjective norm is an individual’s perception of the particular behavior, which is influenced by the judgment of significant others, such as parents, spouses, friends, and teachers. It refers to the perceived social pressure to perform or not to perform a behavior (Ajzen, 1991).

Southeast Asian groups. Southeast Asia is made up of many thousands of tropical islands and a mainland area. The nations are Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, and East Timor (Lee & Zhou, 2014).


Parental involvement in schooling activities for toddlers and preschoolers is important to children’s later school success because it created higher levels of proactive learning behaviors, greater receptive vocabulary, and lower levels of conduct problems (Bracke & Corts, 2012; Hindman et al., 2012; Manz et al., 2014). However, parents who are immigrants/refugees may have low parental involvement due to their attitudes and beliefs, subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and subsequent parental intentions (Demircan & Erden, 2015; Manz et al., 2014; Poureslami et al., 2013). These factors served as the key variables posed in TPB determinants of behavior and were important to determining whether they were significantly related to and able to predict the parental intentions of immigrant and refugee parents for involvement in their children’s early childhood education programs. By assessing these constructs that were pivotal to TPB, testing this theory within the context of immigrant and refugee families with children enrolled in Head Start or Early Head Start was accomplished. Using the theoretical framework provided by the TPB, the effect of the variables on intention and behaviors that might frame parents’ decisions to be involved or not involved in their children’s education were identified (Girardelli & Patel, 2016).

Due to immigrant and refugee children’s educational risk in community and societal contexts, these parents needed to support programs starting with their children’s early preschool enrollment. Without understanding the theory of planned behavior, teachers and educators might encounter some adverse outcomes or lacking parental involvement. Encouraging immigrant and refugee parents to have good intentions and high academic expectations for their children’s education was possible (Castro et al., 2015). Likewise, the perception of participation as a social norm might help increase the likelihood of parental involvement; however, the theoretical models of parents’ participation in school activities from toddler to preschool needed better development (Manz et al., 2014). Applying Ajzen’s theory (1991) of planned behavior to parent involvement in Head Start and Early Head Start could strengthen immigrant and refugee family practices. However, to provide evidence of this theory’s usefulness, a theory of planned behavior-based model was tested. Testing the TPB model based on immigrant and refugee parents’ attitudes/beliefs, norms, and perceived behavioral control allowed analysis of how to increase parental involvement, thereby, raising children’s education standards. The hope for this study was to reveal implications for Head Start and Early Head Start program’s administrators, directors, teachers, and policy-makers alike to find ways to promote parental involvement in immigrant and refugee populations.

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