Monday, February 6, 2012

Thought Process and Rationale of Test

      When writing the test items, my thought is so much of thinking about how to match the objective and format so that children on this age can easy to understand and how it can help me measure the level of higher thinking skills on these children. So, I write the objective down before the test item was written. I think that it is to help remind me that I should not go far away to be lost from the goal and objective.
      It is obviously true that the objective and item format are the first ones to choose to make through prepared test process. I would not pick the multiple-choice format because  this format not appropriate for this age that as on the text book has suggested they are more often use in high school and college students; therefore, I decided I let children look at the pictures that they can recognize by pictorials and circle the one that they might think it is corrected. I believe, it is good for critical thinking when children pick out the right ones because in this way it's not tricky at all and also it's not hard for children to misunderstand between right or wrong.
     On the test item with the way in which the children will hands-on the test when asked to pick out the same shapes and stacking them up together, I thought that the children's cognitive level is appropriate to identify the shape. It is the beginning of math concept which through this test I can measure their thinking ability by choosing the right shapes.
      However, on the test item 3, I put more challenge to children by letting them draw the graph. I know that with their age - 4 and 5 - it is hard for them to figure out the way of graphing means to compare some difference of things but when they have deep thinking on this test, they will see that how the graph is easy to understand in comparison of things.
     Finally, on the essay item, I just thought that with the objective of such identify, the reason on the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff", children can give many different answers by their own words. I believe by this test, children can get build up more critical thinking on the cognitive domain.

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