Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hello every buddy,
      I am Anthony Tran, a "Boat People". In 1983, my wife and I were escaped out of Vietnam country with a small boat with 27 other people. We have had 12 days on the Pacific Ocean with no food and drink. When we had been dying, there were an enormous American commercial ship, the President Taft, stopped by and rescued all of us into its ship.
      In 1989, I became American citizen and in the same year I was enrolled into Grossmont College Community, San Diego with the major was Child Development. After five years of sticking at my nose on the books, I was graduated with a degree of Associate Science (A.S.) in Child Development Teacher. In 1999, I started to work at Alpha Kappa Alpha Head Start, San Diego, California as a substitute teacher and then classroom teacher. Because of busy of running a beauty salon, I had to quit teaching job for three years. Unfortunately, the business was collapsed then I came back to the teaching job at Head Start again. In this time my wife left me, no kids between both of us, so it was easy for me back to school. In 2009, I was enrolled at Ashford University and by studying online within consecutive 6 years, I graduated Bachelor of Arts in Early  Childhood Education (2011), M.A.ED in Special Education (2013). Because at Ashford University has not doctorate program, I transferred to Northcentral University to learn more about Early Childhood Education. My long-range goals would be Philosophy Doctor in this field. I have no children so, I would learn them as much as I can to wish one day I can run a children center with lot of children will being my own.
      Looking back about five years from now, I see that I have been learning and improving a lot of knowledge and could apply many methods of teaching skills such as Response To Intervention method, Developmentally Appropriate Practices strategies combined with assistive technology. I have positively thinking that by attending Northcentral University my goal will then be succeeded at the end of 2017 it is the year as such many Vietnamese people thought that Vietnam's revolution will being happening. If it happened as we hope, then I can help as an American to rebuild what 58,000 American soldiers were broken down and died. This is the big goal that I will stick up for the whole life.